Monday, February 13, 2017

Five Tips For A Fun Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone! While I don't have any elaborate plans really for the day other than eating a few pieces of sponge candy (thanks mom)! I wanted to share with you five things that I think would make for the perfect Valentines Day. You could even spread these activities throughout the month or week. I think Valentines Day can be fun whether you have a date or not. It can be just as fun to pamper yourself a bit or spent it with friends. I hope you enjoy these fun activities and I would love to know of any more idea you come up with 💗

Get A Manicure // There is just something about getting my nails done that I found so refreshing. I always feel so much better when I spend the time and get my nails done. Even though you could easily do your own it's the perfect time to treat yourself. 

Buy A New Scent & PJS // If you are looking to buy yourself a little something special for V Day I think picking out a new perfume and pair of pajamas is the perfect thing. Both of these things are not something you would normally buy so they are the perfect way to treat yourself! 

Watch A Movie // I don't about you but I love sitting down and watching a fun romantic comedy. You can spend the night in your new pjs with some popcorn enjoying a movie. If you have Hulu they recently added The Choice which is a really good movie. 

Make Cutout Cookies // Cutouts are a great little treat to make of any occasion. They take a little extra time to make so they make for the perfect activity for anyone who likes to bake. Plus they make for the perfect gift to give to others for Valentines Day. 

Get Together With Friends // This one might be a little more obvious but you can definitely get together with friends. I mean after all the day is about celebrating the ones you love and who doesn't love a good friendship?! You can easily do any of the things I mentioned or ever go out to brunch or dinner with a few friends!  

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